The First Jewish Revolt. Archaeology, History and Ideology
Wolfson College Record 2004 to 2005
Dogs Against Darkness. The story of the seeing eye by Dickson Hartwell
The Diary of Ada Jackson 1883
Leicestershire Heroes by David Bell
The Home Front. The Best of Good Housekeeping 1939 to 1945
Reshaping Housing Policy. Subsidies, Rents and Residualisation
The Arts and Disabilities. A Creative Response to Social Handicap
Celtic Britain and Ireland by Lloyd and Jennifer Laing
Civics by James Fox
The Rotherham Study & The Oldham Study
The other end of the leash. The American way with Pets.
Looking In / Looking out by Ronald B. Alder and Neil Towne
New Poems for Labour. Complied by Derek Taylor
Political Economy for Beginners by Millicent Garrett Fawcett
A Sea Grey House. The history of Renvyle House by Guy St John Williams
What Big Eyes You’ve Got. Women write about Grandmothers
The Works of The Rev. Sydney Smith. Volume 2. 1859
The National Trust. A Record of Fifty Years Achievement
The Golden Jubilee 1952 – 2002